If you’re interested in reading more about Christianity, here are some recommendations.

About Christianity

Making Sense of God (Tim Keller)

The Reason for God (Tim Keller)

Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)

3,2,1, The Story of God, The World and You (Glen Scrivener)

Can I Really Trust the Bible (Barry Cooper)

About Jesus

The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel)

Your Verdict on the Empty Tomb (Val Grieve)

King’s Cross (Tim Keller)

Tough questions

Questioning Faith Series

If You Could Ask God One Question (Barry Cooper, Paul Williams)

Grill a Christian (Roger Carswell)

Where is God in a coronavirus world? (John Lennox)

Confronting Christianity (Rebecca McLaughlin)


Beyond the Big C (Jeremy Marshall)

Life Stories (J. Carswell)

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus (Nabeel Qureshi)

For Children

Tales That Tell The Truth Series

The Jesus Story Book Bible (Sally Lloyd Jones)